DAM United
DAMmetadata for fylr
The fylr DAM from Programmfabrik can be used to set up reliable media repositories and systems for image and multimedia file management. We use fylr and its predecessor DAM system easydb in many customer projects.
We have developed the DAMmetadata for fylr plugin to further increase the efficiency of fylr and to maintain metadata correctly and semi-automatically. The Javascript plugin is very popular with users because it provides a wide range of support for creating and saving tags and metadata. It therefore contributes to faster and more transparent work with digital assets.
DAMmetadata for fylr offers many useful functions
- Add and/or remove tags based on metadata
- Change metadata based on other metadata of the asset, calculate metadata if required
- Transfer metadata from referenced list elements directly into the asset, for example to enable filtering of assets based on the referenced metadata
- Change the pool in which the asset is located if certain requirements (metadata, tags) are met
- Change permissions based on metadata
The possible usages are enormous, here are some practical examples
- Images, videos etc. should be automatically classified according to their storage size, pixel size and/or format. The plugin reads the relevant information from the metadata and adds tags such as “small”, “medium” or “large” to the assets, which are based on predefined size ranges as well as “portrait”, “landscape” or “square”. The tags can be freely defined.
- In practice, images are often updated, for example through retouching or color corrections, which means that there are several file variants for an asset, i.e. old and new image data. Specify in the plugin that a “contains historical versions” tag is automatically assigned as soon as the file of an asset is updated.
- You also save time when assigning metadata to employees and, for example, company locations and departments. The location and/or department are attached to the person. The plugin can now transfer information about the location or department directly into the asset to enable direct filtering of the assets by location/department.
- The reuse of assets also becomes easier. The plugin can set tags based on metadata, which in turn affects the rights to the asset. For example, if certain metadata is set, an asset can be “released” and thus made visible to a larger group of users. On the other hand, assets can be blocked for certain users/groups if certain metadata is assigned, for example in the case of images subject to licensing. This allows a complete status workflow to be mapped in which the rights to the asset are clearly set at all times.